Shipping & Delivery Information

We source our products from several vendors located within the US, Europe and Asia - which allows us to offer wholesale prices, with an often changing variety with the highest quality materials and design. Because we ship from multiple warehouses and because we insist on offering our customers free delivery, please allow for up to 2-3 weeks for any items that may ship from international warehouses

The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:

  • Processing time: Order verification, tailoring, quality check and packaging. All orders are sent to the manufacturer for dispatch within 24 hours after the order is placed. The manufacturer and USPS process the orders, which takes an additional 1–2 days.

  • Shipping time: This refers to the time it takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination. International delivery usually takes about 15–30 business days. US orders are shipped by ePacket, which is a US Postal Service product. After processing and leaving the warehouse, items usually take between 7 and 14 days to arrive at their destination but can take longer from time to time.